Changing Addicting Thinking

Changing Addicting Thinking

Let’s talk about changing addicting thinking. As the definition of addiction evolves with science and the understanding of what contributes to addiction expands, it is becoming more evident that our addictive thinking patterns keep us tied to substance use and...
The Link Between Meditation and Recovery

The Link Between Meditation and Recovery

We have heard that meditation can have its benefits for many areas in life. Not sleeping well? Meditate. Dealing with depression or anxiety? Meditate. Feeling a cold coming on? Meditate. Although many of us shrug off the practice because it “takes too long” or...
Having a Happy Holiday

Having a Happy Holiday

Tis the season to be merry and bright! Although we all wish for the holidays to be full of joy and jolly, it is also a time for craziness, chaos, and cravings. Although upcoming festivities are meant to be cheerful occasions that bring family and friends together,...
My Child Has a Drug Problem

My Child Has a Drug Problem

Although it is not usually the topic of discussion with friends and family, many parents in Vermont struggle with understanding and accepting that their child may have a drug problem. People may shrug off potential signs of addiction in adolescence due to it being “a...
Mental Health in the Time of COVID-19

Mental Health in the Time of COVID-19

There is no question that people have been struggling during the most recent Pandemic, COVID-19. At River Rock Treatment we have seen jobs that have been lost, social reunions that have been cancelled and quality of mental health has been depleted across the board....
What is a Recovery Coach

What is a Recovery Coach

If you have heard the term “Recovery Coach” and have wondered what they do and how they can be beneficial in your own recovery, you may find your answers below. “A Recovery Coach is a personal guide who assists in removing barriers and obstacles in one’s...
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